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  • Monday, August 27, 2012

    It's Been A While (to say the least)!

    Well, here I am sittig in front of my computer thinking, gheez, I haven't posted on the blog for a while. I'd say! It's been over two years! When I started this blog I had full intentions of posting all the time and having cool things like tutorials, freebies, photos of our work, guest posts, "Marvelous Monday", "Tuesday Tutorials", etc. I swear I did. I'll try to do better, I promise. I see we've had 42 views of our blog and we have 2 followers (which I think are the same person, lol). We're going to try to post at least once a week from here on out. If we don't, how about a little nudge to keep us going? Feel free to send an email any time. My daughter and I are in the process of trying to find a local good, cheap (but not cheap quality) full-bleed printing company. We have been designing our own scrapbook paper and are going to sell it as digital collections but would LOVE to have actual product to sell. We have several collections that we feel are unique and beautiful. We've thought about having a crop and introducing our lines to see what people think of them. We have a cute name and logo for our paper collections and will be formally announcing it some time in the near future. I'll be posting a few sneak previews soon. If you have any ideas or requests for paper collections or designs, feel free to let us know. We'd appreciate input and would love to do custom work! Okay, enough for now. I promise I'll be back again a lot sooner than 2 years! Keep watching for our announcement!

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